From: Ken Oliphant <>
Date: 14/05/2021 18:17:22
Subject: Research assistant opportunity: Institute for European Tort Law, Vienna

Dear colleagues

The Institute for European Tort Law (of which I was Director for five years from 2009-2013) is looking to appoint a research assistant with expertise in tort law in common law systems. The job would be suitable for a PhD student in the writing-up stage or a post-doc. I believe it would be necessary to relocate to Vienna. (It's not intended to be a holiday job.) The position hasn't yet been formally advertised, but if any of you know of someone who might be suitable, please let me know and I'll pass that on.

Best wishes

Ken Oliphant
Professor of Tort Law and Head of School
University of Bristol Law School
Wills Memorial Building
Queens Road
Bristol BS8 1RJ 

Tel: +44 (0)117 954 5347
Twitter: @KenOliphant